NMLS 225941
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Delta Waters Road at Crater Lake Highway the best location in Medford!
Over $102,933,829 Loans Closed
In Business Since 1976
RV Parks ● Residential ● Bare Land ● Ranches
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Construction ● Commercial
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“In 2017 Bob Forrest Loans saved our house from foreclosure even though the process took 11 months to complete and was completed on the day before the date of the foreclosure sale!”
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“ Bob Forrest completed our loan in 2016 although I couldn’t qualify for a bank loan.”
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“Bob Forrest helped me get a loan of $100,000 in a few days, using the equity in my house,
so I was able to take advantage of a business opportunity!”
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1951 Delta Waters Road Ste 103
Medford, OR 97504
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Bob Forrest NMLS 225941
Phone numbers:
Office (541) 779-3659
Cellular (541) 944-3510
In US 1-800-288-3659
NMLS 225941